Sales Orders - Terms and Conditions

1. GENERAL WARRANTIES OF SELLER. THE MATERIALS AND PRODUCTS ARE SUPPLIED “AS IS” AND “WITH ALL FAULTS”.  No warranties except those implied by law and which cannot be excluded are given by Seller, its manufacturers, distributors, owners, employees, directors, vendors, promoters, parent companies or affiliates in respect of the materials and products supplied. SELLER EXPRESSLY DISCLAIMS THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND OF FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.


The Buyer acknowledges and warrants that it has relied on its own skill and judgment or that of its professional advisers on the suitability of the materials or products for specific purposes and indemnifies and holds Seller harmless from and against any suit, claim, demand or compensation which the user or consumer or others may have against Seller in relation to the materials or products provided hereunder and the user or consumer’s use of the products or materials.

Where it is lawful to do so, the liability of Seller for a breach of a condition or warranty is limited to either the rectification or replacement of the materials or products or a refund of the purchase price paid for the materials or products (excluding any delivery charges), as determined by Seller in its discretion.  This remedy is expressly agreed to be exclusive.  To the extent permitted by law, Seller will not be liable for any consequential loss or damage suffered as a result of the use of materials or products supplied by Seller. ALL RISKS ARE ASSUMED BY THE USER OR CONSUMER.

3. TITLE AND RISK OF LOSS.  Title to, and all risk of loss of, any materials or products sold hereunder shall pass to the Buyer at the point of shipment.

4. FORCE MAJEURE.  Seller may, without liability, delay performance or cancel this contract on account of force majeure events or other circumstances beyond its control, including but not limited to strikes, acts of God, political unrest, embargo, failure of source of supply, or casualty.

5. GOVERNING LAW; VENUE.  The parties agree this contract shall be governed by the domestic law of the State of Oregon.  Venue of any action or claim shall be brought exclusively in a court of competent jurisdiction located in Deschutes County, Oregon.  The prevailing party shall be entitled to recover reasonable attorney’s fees.

6. MEDIATION OF DISPUTES.  Any controversy or claim arising out of this contract or the breach thereof shall first be referred to non-binding mediation, which shall occur in Deschutes County, Oregon with a mediator of the parties’ mutual choice.  If the parties cannot agree on a mediator, the mediator shall be selected by the Presiding Judge of Deschutes County, Oregon.

7. WAIVER.  Either party’s failure to insist upon strict performance of any of the terms of this contract will not be construed as a waiver or relinquishment, to any extent, of the right to assert or rely upon such terms, or any other terms, on any future occasion.

8. SEVERABILITY.  The invalidity of any provision of this contract will not affect the validity of the remaining provisions, and this contract will be construed as if the invalid provision had been omitted.

9. ENTIRE AGREEMENT; MODIFICATION.  This contract, including the attached invoice, constitutes the full understanding of the parties and is a complete and exclusive statement of the terms of their agreement.  Any modification of this contract or waiver of its terms must be made in writing and signed by the party claimed to be bound by the modification.   No modification of this contract shall be effected by the acknowledgment or acceptance of purchase orders, shipping instruction forms, or any other documents containing terms or conditions different from or in addition to those in this contract, all such different or additional terms being hereby objected to.  Unless otherwise agreed by the parties, the provisions of Oregon Revised Statutes Chapter 72 shall apply.  BY ORDERING FOR SHIPMENT ANY MATERIAL OR PRODUCT UNDER THIS CONTRACT, BUYER AGREES TO ALL THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS CONTAINED HEREIN.

10. STATE OF WASHINGTON CONSUMER USE TAX ON MARKETPLACE PURCHASES: Aircraft Rubber Manufacturing, Inc. dba Fuel Safe Systems is not required to, and does not, collect Washington sales or use tax. Under Washington law, purchases are not tax-exempt merely because a seller is not required to collect Washington’s tax. Washington law requires Washington purchasers to review untaxed purchases and, if any tax is owed, file a Washington use tax return and pay any tax due. Visit the Washington State Department of Revenue website for more information.

11. CANCELLATION OF ORDERS WITH FREIGHT FORWARD SHIPPING: ORDERS SUBMITTED BY A CUSTOMER THROUGH THE FUEL SAFE ONLINE STORE WITH A FREIGHT FORWARD LISTED AS A SHIPMENT DESTINATION WILL RESULT IN CANCELLATION AND TERMINATION OF ORDER. Fuel Safe Systems does not accept or process online orders that request freight forwarders, freight forwarding agencies, or non-vessel operating common carrier (NVOCC), as a shipment destination. Fuel Safe Systems reserves the right to cancel and void online orders that violate Fuel Safe’s no tolerance policy for freight forward shipping. Online orders shipping to fright forwarders, or freight forwarding agencies, will be canceled and unprocessed.



Purchase Order Terms & Conditions


1. Right of Access.

When requested, the Supplier must agree to the right of entry and access for Fuel Safe Systems personnel, its customers or regulatory agencies into its facilities and access to all relevant records, at any level of the supply chain, involved under the performance of the Purchase Order or contract.

2. General Quality Requirements.

The Supplier is required to have a documented quality management system that ensures Fuel Safe Systems’ requirements are met.

This includes:

  • Controls to prevent the use of counterfeit parts.
  • The use of only customer-designated or approved suppliers for outsourced processes or materials when required by Purchase Order.
  • Evidence of training of personnel to be aware of their contribution to product conformance and product safety and the importance of ethical behavior.


3. Flow Down of Requirements

The Supplier is fully responsible for controlling quality of their suppliers of subcontracted materials and processes including the responsibility to flow down Fuel Safe Systems or Fuel Safe Systems’ customers’ Quality Requirements.


4. First Article Inspections (FAI)

When required by Purchase Order, the Supplier must perform a First Article Inspection per AS9102 prior to release of the first production product to verify that all dimensions, features, and product attributes meet specified requirements.

Documentation of the FAI must be submitted for review and approval by Fuel Safe Systems Quality prior to or included with the first production shipment.

The FAI must be performed from the first production run of a new part or following any subsequent change that invalidates the previous FAI result.

In the case of changes to an existing part, a partial FAI will be acceptable unless stated otherwise on the Purchase Order.

FAIs are also required if there are any significant changes to the production process or manufacturing location.

Once the Supplier has established its process approved with a First Article Inspection Report (FAIR), they must notify Fuel Safe Systems of any changes in the product or process used in the manufacture or processing of the product.

Fuel Safe Systems reserves the right for approval of the product, parts and/or materials used, processes performed, or equipment utilized by the Supplier in fulfilling Fuel Safe Systems’ Purchase Order.

The Supplier will determine and implement a plan for how to control all features identified as significant or critical.


5. Certificates of Conformance (CoC)

When required by contract or Purchase Order, CoC’s must be provided and contain the following information:

  • Supplier’s name and address
  • Fuel Safe Systems Purchase Order or contract number
  • Statement attesting that goods and services conform to all contract and associated drawing requirements
  • Part number(s) and serial numbers as applicable
  • Drawing number and revision level to which goods were manufactured
  • Signature by Supplier’s responsible representative & date
  • Record Retention

The Supplier must maintain records providing evidence of the conformity of products produced under Fuel Safe Systems’ Purchase Order for a minimum of three (3) years from the date of manufacturing unless otherwise specified on the Purchase Order.

These records must be made available to Fuel Safe Systems, its customers, or regulatory agencies upon request.


6. Packaging and Contamination

Components, materials, and assemblies shipped to Fuel Safe Systems or drop-shipped to other suppliers of Fuel Safe Systems must be:

  • Free of oil, grease, dirt, oxidation, metal shavings, sharp edges or burrs or other Foreign Object Debris (FOD).
  • Packaged in a manner to prevent any sliding, distortion, bending, or other damage during transit.
  • Easily identified by part or assembly number.

• Shipping documents and product labeling should provide for clear identification of contents, including Purchase Order number, part numbers, revisions, and serial numbers

• Documents (packing list, SDS, inspection sheets, etc.) attached to the outside of the container must be attached to allow damage-free removal


7. Nonconformances

The Supplier must submit a deviation request prior to shipment of any known nonconformance that will not be scrapped or reworked by the Supplier. Nonconforming material must be clearly identified and segregated to prevent unintended use.

Deviation requests are to be emailed to the Supplier’s designated buyer at Fuel Safe Systems.

The Supplier must have written approval for the deviation by Fuel Safe Systems prior to shipment.

The non-conforming product must be clearly identified from any other product in the shipment and the documented deviation approval attached to the shipping paperwork.

In the case of Fuel Safe Systems-supplied items: if there is evidence of damage, non-conformances or paperwork discrepancies, the Supplier must notify Fuel Safe Systems’ Purchasing within 3 working days of discovery. The Fuel Safe Systems Material Review Board will determine what action is required.


8. Design and Development Control

For any products designed as a result of the Purchase Order, the Supplier shall apply design and development controls that ensure:

• All results to be achieved are defined.

• Reviews are conducted to evaluate the ability of the results of design and development to meet requirements.

• Verification activities are conducted to ensure that the design and development outputs meet the input requirements.

• Validation activities are conducted to ensure that the resulting products and services meet the requirements for the specified application or intended use.

• Any necessary actions are taken on problems determined during the reviews, or verification and validation activities.

• Documented information of these activities is retained.

• Progression to the next design and development stages are planned and authorized.


9. Notification to Fuel Safe Systems

The Supplier shall notify Fuel Safe Systems of changes to its processes and/or services, including changes of their external providers or location of manufacture. The Supplier must obtain approval of Fuel Safe Systems before instituting changes to any products designed by Fuel Safe Systems.


10. Safety in Fuel Safe Systems’ Products

Fuel Safe Systems is a manufacturer of safety fuel systems for racing, aerospace, defense, industrial, and other high-risk industries. As a result, Fuel Safe expects its suppliers to take caution with all components and inform its employees of the safety-critical mission of Fuel Safe products. If any questions arise in relation to functionality, configuration, or quality of the products being produced in relation to the Purchase Order, Fuel Safe would encourage the Supplier to contact their representative at Fuel Safe Systems to inquire and resolve any issues.